What Can You Do with a Business Degree?

A business degree leads to numerous potential career paths and job opportunities. From being an accountant or financial analyst to a marketing specialist or HR manager, you can find a career to suit your interests and abilities.

While bachelor programs are general and well-rounded, students increasingly specialise in the second and third years of the three-year degree. Let’s explore the top business majors and the characteristics of each line of work.

Most Useful Degrees in Business

Young man studying online wearing headphones and taking notes

The best business degrees position you for abundant job opportunities, the ability to earn a high salary, and doing work that you personally find interesting and satisfying.

We asked Dr Andrew Lancaster, Director of Lerna Courses, for his list of the top business majors. Dr Lancaster picked HR at number one. “HR professionals are always in demand as almost every employer needs them. The work is constantly changing. Importantly, you can move up the hierarchy into senior roles, where the pay is always good because guess who determines an organisation’s pay rates: HR.”

Other promising areas to work are Business Analytics “because of the increasing value of data” and Finance, which “is a lucrative field for ambitious people.” Lerna Courses offers an extended list of the best online business degrees for students in Australia.

1. Human Resources

Human resources professionals manage an organisation’s workforce and strive for a positive work environment, with a focus on employee relations and organisational culture.

Jobs: HR Manager, Recruiter, Employee Experience Manager.
Responsibilities: Recruitment, training, policy development.
Prospects: Broad field, lucrative salaries, significant impact on company culture.

2. Business Analytics

Business analytics professionals use data to drive strategic decisions and improve organisational performance. This field is ideal for those who enjoy working with data and providing actionable insights.

Jobs: Business Analyst, Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst.
Responsibilities: Data collection, analysis, reporting, and insights generation.
Prospects: High demand, lucrative salaries, opportunities in diverse industries.

3. Finance

A career in finance is good for those with strong numerical and analytical skills. Graduates find roles helping organisations to manage their financial health and make strategic investment decisions.

Jobs: Financial Analyst, Investment Analyst, Portfolio Analyst.
Responsibilities: Financial reporting, investment strategy, risk management.
Prospects: High demand, competitive salaries, and opportunities for advancement.

4. Marketing

A business degree can lead to a career in marketing, where you need to understand consumer behaviour and market trends. This field combines creativity with strategic business skills.

Jobs: Marketing Manager, Customer Experience Manager, Social Media Manager.
Responsibilities: Market research, campaign management, data analysis.
Prospects: Interesting work with opportunities for senior management roles.

Related: What Marketing Degrees Teach

5. Management

Managers deliver leadership and strategic direction within organisations. This field requires strong organisational skills and the ability to guide teams towards achieving business goals.

Jobs: Business Development Manager, Operations Manager, Project Manager.
Responsibilities: Overseeing operations, setting business goals, managing teams.
Prospects: Experienced, highly regarded professionals can apply for manager jobs.

Related: Business Management and Administration Explained

6. Sales Management

Sales management is all about driving revenue growth and building strong customer relationships. This field offers opportunities for those who excel in strategic thinking and team leadership.

Jobs: Sales Manager, Business Development Manager, Account Manager.
Responsibilities: Sales strategies, managing sales teams, customer relationships.
Prospects: Dynamic work environment and career advancement opportunities.

7. Supply Chain Management

Supply chain managers ensure the efficient movement of goods and services from suppliers to consumers. The role is to maintain product availability and operational efficiency.

Jobs: Logistics Manager, Supply Chain Analyst, Operations Manager.
Responsibilities: Inventory management, supplier coordination, process optimisation.
Prospects: Growing field, essential to various industries, competitive salaries.

Related: Top MBAs In Supply Chain Management

8. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing leverages online platforms and tools to reach and engage customers. This field combines creative and analytical skills to develop campaign strategies.

Jobs: Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Manager, Content Strategist.
Responsibilities: SEO, content creation, online advertising, analytics.
Prospects: Rapidly growing field, high demand for digital skills.

9. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship allows individuals to innovate and create their own business ventures. This path requires a combination of business acumen, creativity, and resilience.

Skills required: Business planning, financial management, marketing, and scaling strategies.
Responsibilities: Innovating, managing business operations, driving growth.
Prospects: High risk but potentially high reward, personal fulfillment.

Related: Why Entrepreneurs Have to Think Big

10. Accounting

Accounting is a stable and essential field in any business, providing financial record keeping and compliance. This area offers roles that ensure the financial integrity of an organisation.

Jobs: Accountant, Senior Accountant, Auditor.
Responsibilities: Financial record keeping, tax preparation, auditing.
Prospects: Steady demand and high job security.

Is a Business Degree Worth It?

Businessman smiling behind laptop on desk

Business graduates can access a wide range of job options, limited only by their ambition, effort, and talent. A Bachelor of Business ranked as the top-performing 3-year degree for full-time employment. 84% of Business and Management graduates gain full-time jobs according to the Graduate Outcomes Survey.

A business degree offers strong job prospects, versatile skills, and high salaries. Specialising leads to rewarding, adaptable careers. Just Business Today identifies dozens of business majors to choose from.

However, the degree requires time and money. Also, it may not guarantee a direct career path. To maximise value, gain practical experience through internships, networking, and entry-level jobs. Despite challenges, a business degree is an effective way to upskill and a worthwhile investment for many.

Job Opportunities

Professional man and woman planning using post-it notes on glass

A business degree opens doors to diverse job opportunities across industries. Graduates can work in finance, marketing, operations, and human resources. Each role offers unique responsibilities and career prospects.

For example, account managers maintain client relationships to ensure satisfaction and retention. Business consultants advise companies on strategy and operations. Those aiming for leadership roles might become CEOs or CFOs, overseeing strategic planning and financial management.

Fields like digital marketing and supply chain management are growing fast. These roles combine analytical and creative skills. With a business degree, graduates are well-equipped for a variety of fulfilling careers.

Related: Jobs You Can Get With a Business Management Degree

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